Holy Spirit Gives Rest

Holy Spirit Gives Rest

What do these verses (Luke 2:51-52) reveal about the maturing years of Jesus' life?

In verse 51, mother of Jesus treasured all these things in her heart. Previously right before these last verses of the Luke 2, Jesus was found preaching in the temple courts. Shockingly he was just 12 years old boy. From this what we can see is that, Jesus clearly knew who he was. He was very clear about his identity. Jesus clearly knew he was the savior of this world and clearly used his authority given by God to save mankind. He wanted to start building the kingdom of Father God from the very beginning. However, his physical parents didn’t understand his heart. Although his birth was special and prophecies were made about him, Jesus parents fail to recognize why Jesus was born in the family. Even though Jesus parents were weak, Jesus was submissive enough to the authority placed over him until the right time set by God. Hence he remained obedient to them.

Meanwhile the verse 52 reveals that Jesus increased in wisdom and stature. Spiritually Jesus was mature enough to guide and lead the crowd. In his divine nature there need to be any increase as God always filled Jesus with grace. But here the word increase is being used for his human nature, relating to soul and flesh. Here soul refers to wisdom which is different from the word of God and flesh means his body. Since the time Jesus was born the eternal word was united to his soul from his conception. As Jesus human soul grew more and more capable, the gifts it received from the divine nature were more and more communicated. All the more, Jesus also increased in favor with God and man. Jesus grew up embodying the divine grace from above and also wisdom from the world. This teaches this young generation that they should grow in stature and wisdom. As they grow in wisdom, the will grow in favor with God and man.

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