Holy Spirit Gives Rest

Holy Spirit Gives Rest

Difference of the genealogy of Jesus in book of Matthew and Luke: Reason why they wrote it in a different way.

Looking with the perspective of characteristic, Mathew was written for the Jews, hence Jesus genealogy is traced back to Abraham because Jews considered Abraham as their forefather. On the other hand Luke was written predominantly for gentiles and for whole of mankind, due to which genealogy is traced back to Adam.

In terms of difference, it is significantly clear as both the authors draw a different conclusion. Mathew describes the legal lineage of Jesus which could only be through the male, Joseph. And Luke shows us the blood lineage of Jesus tracing back to Mary’s ancestry. Both the genealogies split from David’s sons Nathan and Solomon. Mary traces her lineage from Nathan while Joseph traces it back to Solomon.

It was custom of the Jews to mention the genealogy through the father. Many Bible scholars believe that Jesus had a right to the throne of Israel as both Jesus’ mother and his earthly father’s genealogy was connected David.

However, Mathew uses the word “begat”, which in Jewish genealogies generally refer to a son but sometimes referred to even more distant offspring, such as grandson. The verses from Mathew 1:8 show Joram begat Ozias. But according to 1 Chronicles 3:11-12, it indicates that there were three descendants of Joram before Ozias was born. These are not errors but allowable liberties which the recorders took for the purposes of the record.

Actually Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit and not through Joseph. However, as Joseph himself being from the line of David makes Jesus the rightful legal heir to the throne of David even though he was biologically not related to his earthly father. If any one of these genealogies of Jesus is missed and if not traced back to David, then there are high possibilities of debate about Jesus not meeting the criteria of both legal and biological descendent?

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