Holy Spirit Gives Rest

Holy Spirit Gives Rest

Conviction and Resolution of Living a Christian Life and Following Jesus

The conviction of fulfilling Christian life is to live according to the will of God. That is to love God with all our heart and soul first compared to anything in this world. I don’t want anything to come between Jesus and me. Christ should be the center of each relationship we want to establish on this earth.

Looking from the perspective of Mathew 8:19-20, we  should not just want to center our life on our physical family, instead we should want to have the absolute determination to overcome any obstacle that comes in between us and God.

If we consider Apostle Paul, in speaking of marriage 1 Corinthians 7:27, Paul in speaking of marriage says it is good not to marry. There is very high standard that I need to set up as I live. Here Apostle Paul’s intention is not that he doesn’t want others to marry. But his main focus concerns that when people marry, it is not so that the two people live well only. It can easily become family-centered which should not be the case. Rather the marriage should be God centered. When I lose such teaching of Jesus, it becomes a family that goes following my own desires and without a standard. I should live only loving God first because Jesus lived in such a way.

Jesus has set such high flag of standard. If I lose hold of this, then I become secular and snobbish immediately. In fact Bible is in itself of high standard. Lord Jesus did so. Even disciples did so. There is no mention of siblings of Jesus or the name of Peter’s wife. In Mathew 8:14, it only refers to as mother-in-law of Peter. I want to take a resolution and determination to go out of these stages and enter this stage of evangelism, leaving these things behind.

I realized church is not a place with blood relationship. Church is a community of apostles and of the early church as in Acts 2:42-47. The heart of loving the truth may carry the pain on the way but when I lose this heart, there comes spiritual death. I don’t want to be separated from God. The main problem in Jesus disciples were that they stopped in the middle, many of them as mentioned in John 6:66.

When I unite with Christ, I can overcome anything. I understood this path which Jesus calls is for me to carry the cross and die. Die completely as the person of this world and resurrect as the disciple of the Lord. As the disciples going to Emmaus understood the meaning of the death on the cross, they regained their strength and went on strongly. The Isaac’s I lose on this earth is for me to end up having deeper relationship with Jesus and gain hundred times more.

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